Las Vegas DUI Defense Attorney for Nevada Residents
Dedicated Representation for DUI Charges in Nevada

New legislation and case law constantly influence DUI cases in Las Vegas and throughout Nevada. At Ferris Law, our DUI attorney in Las Vegas work diligently to stay abreast of these changes, with the full understanding that only knowledgeable representation will grant our clients the chance at getting their lives back on track after DUI arrests and charges.
Some significant changes have been implemented in regard to DUI (driving under the influence) penalties in Nevada. With the passage of SB 259, the 90-day license suspension period associated with a first misdemeanor DUI was extended to 185 days. Breath or blood test refusal will also result in driver’s license suspension for one year, even for a first DUI arrest. Additionally, ignition interlock devices are now mandatory after any DUI, whereas they used to only be ordered in cases involving felony DUI or DUI with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .16% or greater. These devices must be installed in one’s car for six months and are also required for anyone seeking a restricted license.
If you’ve been arrested for misdemeanor or felony DUI, call Attorney Jennifer Ferris at (702) 710-8882 or contact online for intelligent and compassionate counsel.
Understanding DUI Penalties in Nevada
Some significant changes have been implemented in regard to DUI (driving under the influence) penalties in Nevada. With the passage of SB 259, the 90-day license suspension period associated with a first misdemeanor DUI was extended to 185 days. Breath or blood test refusal will also result in driver’s license suspension for one year, even for a first DUI arrest.
Additionally, ignition interlock devices are now mandatory after any DUI, whereas they used to only be ordered in cases involving felony DUI or DUI with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .16% or greater. These devices must be installed in one’s car for six months and are also required for anyone seeking a restricted license.
Cost of DUI Offenses in Las Vegas
If you are found guilty of first offense DUI in Las Vegas, Nevada, the standard sentence consists of 2 days to 6 months in prison, a $1,000 fine, 6 months suspension of your driver's license, and 120 hours of social work.
Our job as your DUI attorney is to either get charges dropped, obtain an innocent decision, or if convicted, start to work out a plea bargain.
Overview of DUI Penalties in Nevada
The following are general DUI penalty ranges, in accordance with NRS 484C.400:
- First DUI Offense (misdemeanor):
- 2 days to 6 months in jail
- Fine of $400 to $1,000
- 90-day license suspension
- Ignition interlock device for 6 months
- Educational course on alcohol/drug abuse
- Second DUI within 7 years (misdemeanor):
- 10 days to 6 months in jail
- Fine of $750 to $1,000
- 1-year license suspension
- Ignition interlock device for 1 year
- Treatment program for alcohol/drug abuse
- Third DUI within 7 years (category B felony):
- 1 to 6 years in prison
- Fine of $2,000 to $5,000
- 3-year license suspension
- Ignition interlock device for 1 to 3 years
- Alcohol/drug evaluation
It is important to note that a previous DUI conviction that occurred in any state in the U.S. may count toward a current DUI charge and thus result in greatly enhanced penalties. You will also be responsible for various court fees and for paying the necessary fees for court-ordered educational courses, evaluations, or treatment for drug/alcohol abuse. Failure to complete treatment or courses may result in additional penalties.
Consequences of Failing a Field Sobriety Test
With “failed” field sobriety tests and a breath test result of .08% or greater, the odds may seem stacked against you. It is important to remember that you have the right to a Las Vegas DUI defense lawyer. Exercise this right, and you may be surprised to find that the evidence against you is not as strong as you thought. There are ways to disprove field sobriety test results or bring the validity of a breath test into question. It takes hard work and a meticulous investigation into the matter, and that is the level of counsel provided at Ferris Law.
Contact our Las Vegas DUI lawyer at (702) 710-8882 for a confidential DUI case evaluation, and find out how we can assist you.

Our Recent Victories
Our attorney uses the experience she has with particular crimes, judges, and prosecutors to properly advise clients on realistic outcomes and to best anticipate possible strengths or weaknesses in their case. Having this experience allows us to read through fact patterns and quickly pick out all viable defenses that are most favorable to the client. For these reasons and more, we have achieved many favorable results in a wide range of practice areas.
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Reduced to Misdemeanor Charged with Battery with Use of a Deadly Weapon
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Case dismissed Charged with Battery with Use of a Deadly Weapon Resulting in Substantial Bodily Harm